For the Culture magazine celebrates Black women in food. Finally.
“Honestly, if you’re a black person, period, but especially if you’re a black person in food media, this has always been obvious,” said the Cordon Bleu-trained pastry chef and food writer earlier this week.
“There’s so many publications and outlets with huge readerships, so many listeners and readers, so why wouldn’t you want to tap into the full spectrum in terms of representation?”
“Black women really are at the root of kitchens and cuisines in this country from the very beginning,” Miller says. “After Native Americans, it’s Black people. There’s a lot of shaping of culture that Black women have done, and definitely through food. I feel like that continues to happen, but Black women’s stories aren’t centered. I want to see what it would look like if Black women tell these stories, photograph these stories, and illustrate these stories.”
And that quote from Toni Morrison, ‘If there’s a book you want to read, write it,’ right? So that was one part and then also, frankly speaking, feeling like if I don’t do this now, I might not do it.”